Tuesday, 24 January 2023 12:23

Study Loans / Discount

We understand that the cost of study may cause many students to rather forego their ambitions. We thus provide you with possibilities of obtaining study loans and getting discount for study.


1. Study loans

Disclaimer: The content below regarding study loans are obtained from Fundi. We made sure that we copied it correctly to this website page for the convenience of students, but we do not take responsibility for any difficulties that you encounter with that institution.

Study loans may be obtained from Fundi (https://fundi.co.za)

To get such a loan, the following criteria should be abided by. Please take careful note of the following below…..

To qualifying for a study loan and/or a loan to purchace a study device (such as a laptop) with Fundi:

  • you need to be permanently employed.
  • you need to be accepted or registered with a training institution.
  • you need to earn at least R2500.00 of disposable income after deductions.

Required documents that should be submitted with the application:

  • Recent payslip (not older than 3 months).
  • In the case of applying for a study loan, a statement of fees or quote from Terotechnica.
  • In the case of a device loan, current proof of registration with Terotechnica.
  • Copy of ID document.

Application forms can be downloaded here:

  1. Fundi loan application form
  2. Fundi dependent affidavid

Completed application and documents needs to be send directly to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


NB: You have up to 36 months to pay back the educational loan. 

Devices can be obtained from https://shop.fundi.co.za/


2. Discounts

Private students are eligible for discounts under certain circumstances. 

There are two ways that a private student can receive discount from Terotechnica: Immediate Payment and Placement Payment.

1. Immediate Payment
In a case of an immediate full settlement of the total amount of the quotation, the student is entitled to 30% discount. The “immediate full settlement” is then the full amount of the quotation, less 30%. This offer is only valid for five (5) days from the date of the quotation.

2. Placement Payment
If the student for some reason cannot do immediate/full settlement payment, as described above he/she does not qualify for the full 30% discount but can still receive a discount according to the following schedule below, on payment of a R2000 placement fee.
The discount that can be secured is as follows:

  • 25% if the placement fee is paid within the first five (5) days of the date of the quotation.
  • 20% if the placement fee is paid between day six (6) and day ten (10) of the date of the quotation.
  • 15% if the placement fee is paid between day eleven (11) and day ten (15) of the date of the quotation.
  • 10% if the placement fee is paid between day sixteen (16) and day twenty (20) of the date of the quotation.
  • 5% if the placement fee is paid between day twenty-one (21) and day twenty-five (25) of the date of the quotation.

Nevertheless, the total price of the specific course, less discount secured, must be paid before course attendance.

N.B the discount is only available on short and comprehensive courses (diplomas are already priced at a discount).

Read 3763 times Last modified on Tuesday, 24 January 2023 15:01