The Asset Management / Maintenance Engineer has the task of translating strategic issues to tactical issues and vice versa
Asset Management / Maintenance Engineers are typically well educated in one of the pure disciplines of engineering, and mostly not specifically trained in the field of Maintenance Engineering. They thus tend to solve maintenance problems using an out-and-out engineering design approach, rather than using the full diversity of principles and techniques available in Maintenance Engineering to manage failure in the organisation well.
In the book ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’ by Stephen Covey, the seventh habit is called ‘Sharpening the Sword’, which implies that effective people continuously work on the previous six habits, doing them better and better.
Now, Asset Management / Maintenance engineers also need to learn certain ‘habits’, which are central to maintenance practice. Many of these individual pieces of knowledge may even routinely be picked up during the practice of maintenance, but may not be integrated well enough. This course intends to provide such sharpening of the sword leading to Asset Management / Maintenance Engineering professionalism and excellence.
It is a sad fact that most asset managers / engineers do not understand their own business well enough, not due to any fault of their own, but because they were never taught their business. Because of this they tend to practice a combination of design (which they understand) and repair (which the artisans working for them understand). But the business of being able to manage the reliability and failures of diverse equipment designed by others, are foreign to them. It is only lately that small numbers of maintenance experts over the world started really understanding this and started training maintenance practitioners in the theory of failure and its management. This knowledge can then be translated into proper scientifically based maintenance strategies and plans, which leads to the right maintenance actions being performed on equipment.
Also, because of having to understand the design of diverse pieces of equipment, as well as its multitudes of failure mechanisms, the right outcomes in terms of availability and reliability of equipment need specialist management knowledge. Such knowledge should be specifically tailored for the maintenance engineer.
The Maintenance Practice for Asset Management Engineers course are made up of the following main interest areas:
- Maintenance Strategic Management
- Failure and its management
- Reliability Centred Maintenance
- Condition Based Maintenance
- Management Methods
- Basic People Management
- Basic Lubrication Theory
- Basic Failure Cause Analysis
- Basic Maintenance Planning
Course Content
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Who Should Attend
This course is intended for Maintenance Engineers and Asset Managers.
Its purpose is to ‘convert’ technical people from the traditional engineering disciplines (mechanical, electrical, etc.) into fully fledged Asset Managers / Maintenance Engineers.
Important note: Laptop computer required – refer to terms and conditions on Course Registration form, and footnote on the Course Listing.
Credits 16*, level 6** CPD Points: 5 * The course comprises 80 hours, of which 40 hours are in class, **Higher Diploma level.
Textbook Provided |